Category: weightlifting
What Are The Best Exercises For Growing Tricep Muscles?
The bicep muscle gets most of the attention it seems, but the tricep muscle is actually a larger muscle and more responsible for arm size. The tricep muscle is made up of three heads – a long head, a lateral head, and a medial head. To have truly impressive triceps, a person needs to develop…
5 Benefits Of Getting A Gym Membership
Earlier this week I posted an article discussing some of the benefits of having a home weightlifting gym. I am a huge fan of having a home gym as anyone who knows me will attest. ‘The Young Family Gym For Middle-Aged Muscles’ is one of my favorite places to be. With that being said, having…
Is Fat Spot Reduction Possible Through Working Out?
Many people, especially people with an endomorph body type, carry larger pockets of fat in certain areas of their body compared to others. Using myself as an example, I tend to carry more fat in my midsection than I do in other parts of my body. For people like me, there is a temptation to…
How Much Should You Workout If You Have A Sitting-Down Job?
Someone once told me that ‘sitting is the new smoking’ and I found that saying to be defeatingly profound. Obviously, smoking cigarettes is worse than the act of simply sitting down. With that being said, living a sedentary lifestyle can be very detrimental to a person’s health if it is not combined with a proper…
How Long Does It Take To See Results From Working Out?
A common and logical question for people who have started their fitness journey is ‘How long does it take to see results?’ After all, if you are putting in the work, it is presumably because you want to look better (among other things). At the basic level, there is a subjective answer and an objective…
5 Benefits Of Having A Home Weightlifting Gym
I have used a home gym off and on over the years, with my modern home gym being launched on January 1st, 2023. I nicknamed it ‘The Young Family Gym For Middle-Aged Muscles’ which fans of ‘The Office’ may recognize as a spoof on The Dwight Schrute Gym For Muscles. I find that nicknaming your…
What Are The Best Exercises For Growing Bicep Muscles?
The human body is made up of over 600 muscles based on various credible sources, and while it is important to develop all of them if you want a top-notch physique, one muscle group that is at the top of many people’s developed muscle wish list is biceps. If I told you to close your…
What Are Ectomorph, Mesomorph, And Endomorph Body Types?
One principle that I hammer home as often as I can on both this website, and in my real-life conversations with friends, family, and gym strangers that I talk to is that genetics plays a massive role in a person’s fitness journey. I have friends, and I am sure that you do too, who are…
How Long Does It Take To Get 6-Pack Abs
Arguably the most desirable muscle group to have dialed in is the abdominal muscles. Having ‘6-pack abs’ symbolizes many things and is one of the most visual representations of discipline a person can possess. One of the most common questions I see asked on Reddit and elsewhere online is how long it takes to get…
How Often Should You Change Your Weightlifting Routine?
When I first learned about weightlifting in the 1990s, most of what I did was based on two sources – my high school weights teacher, and my father. My high school weights teacher was also my high school’s football coach and he was a total product of the 1960s and 1970s approach to lifting weights.…