Category: weightlifting
Tips For Gaining Weight And Muscle From Mr. Olympia Samson Dauda
The reigning Mr. Olympia champion is Samson Dauda, a Nigerian-born, later turned British-based professional bodybuilder who competes in the men’s open bodybuilding division in the IFBB Pro League. Dauda won the overall Mr. Olympia title in the 2024 Mr. Olympia competition. For folks unaware of what Mr. Olympia is, it is an international bodybuilding competition…
What Are The Best Exercises For Growing Shoulder Muscles?
When I was growing up, I was a huge wrestling fan. WWE was called WWF back then, and one of my favorite wrestlers was ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude. Looking back, part of the reason why I thought he was a great character was his trash talking ability, but also because he was super buff. Additionally, part…
5 Reasons Why You Don’t Ever Skip Leg Day
Many people dread ‘leg day’ at the gym, or ‘lower body day’ as some people call it. You have probably seen the memes. And while there are a lot of articles out there examining why people dread leg day, I think the answer is obvious – it is hard. Speaking from firsthand experience, doing lower…
Is It Easier To Build Muscle Or Lose Fat?
As I have written about quite a bit lately on this website, I am currently on a calorie-deficit diet. This diet is tricky because I want to lose most of my body’s stored fat but not my muscle mass. In an interview that I watched with legendary bodybuilder Mike Mentzer, he mentioned that he would never…
What Is The Difference Between ‘Body Recomposition’ And A Calorie Deficit?
If you are trying to lose weight, chances are during your research you will come across the terms ‘body recomposition’ and ‘calorie deficit.’ While both of them are common weight loss strategies, there are some differences between the two. When I first started my modern fitness journey, what I was ultimately doing was a body…
Does Exercise Improve A Person’s Mental Health?
I have previously shared on this website that I have had struggles with my mental health in recent years. After the passing of my stepdad in late 2021, I fell into a deep depression. Eventually I went to mental health therapy in 2023 and was diagnosed with major depression. In 2023, I was also diagnosed…
5 Etiquette Rules To Follow To Be Respectful At The Gym
As I have written about on this website previously, I am an avid gym-goer. I stick to a hybrid approach of exercising both in my home gym and at a ‘regular’ gym. Both of them have their benefits. I encourage people who are considering one or the other to check out previous articles on this…
Raskol Dump Cover 2.0 Half Split Pink Tiger Limited Edition Unpackaging And Review
Weeks ago I walked into the gym and saw a guy wearing what I would describe as 1980s style weightlifting pants. They were pink and black tiger striped on one side and black on the other side. It was a combination of Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart coloring with MC Hammer styling. A total throwback look.…
Should You Workout When You Are Sick?
Every year when cold and flu season rolls around, the paranoia level in my house goes up. Every cough and sneeze usually results in some long looks to see if it was a one-off or if it was indicative of an illness coming on. I have kids in public school, and those things are basically…
How Much Muscle Do Humans Lose As They Age?
Anyone who has hit middle age, or exceeded it, knows that humans lose muscle as time goes by. It is an unfortunate byproduct of the human aging process. But, how much muscle is lost, and when does the process start? I recently signed up for health alerts through Harvard Health Publishing (Harvard Medical School). It…