Category: research
Study Finds Plastic Takeout Containers May Be Bad For Heart Health
Getting takeout food from a restaurant may sound like a convenient idea. Still, you may want to think twice after reading the findings of a recent study that examined plastic takeout containers and their potential impact on heart health. The study was conducted by a team of researchers affiliated with Ningxia Medical University in China.…
Is Fat Spot Reduction Possible Through Working Out?
Many people, especially people with an endomorph body type, carry larger pockets of fat in certain areas of their body compared to others. Using myself as an example, I tend to carry more fat in my midsection than I do in other parts of my body. For people like me, there is a temptation to…
Study Finds Eating Yogurt May Reduce Colon Cancer Risk
Ever since I was a kid, yogurt has served as one of my favorite foods. Except for only a few flavors, I love just about any kind of yogurt out there. It is a great source of protein and pairs well with many different kinds of fruits. And according to the results of a recent…
How Much Should You Workout If You Have A Sitting-Down Job?
Someone once told me that ‘sitting is the new smoking’ and I found that saying to be defeatingly profound. Obviously, smoking cigarettes is worse than the act of simply sitting down. With that being said, living a sedentary lifestyle can be very detrimental to a person’s health if it is not combined with a proper…
How Long Does It Take To See Results From Working Out?
A common and logical question for people who have started their fitness journey is ‘How long does it take to see results?’ After all, if you are putting in the work, it is presumably because you want to look better (among other things). At the basic level, there is a subjective answer and an objective…
Is Juice Cleansing Good For You?
Juice cleansing seems to be a popular nutritional strategy these days. For those who are unaware of the concept, a juice cleanse diet involves a person only consuming juice mixes derived from vegetables and fruits. There are various reasons why someone might do a juice cleanse diet, with detoxification and weight loss being two commonly…
Dance 20 Minutes A Day To Hit Your Recommended Weekly Exercise Amount
Numerous health and wellness organizations recommend that people get roughly 150 minutes of physical activity each week to boost their overall health. Physical activity can come in many forms, with some getting the blood pumping and the body moving more than others. According to the findings of a recent study, one form of fun physical…
Study Finds One Egg A Week May Lower Heart Disease Risk By 29%
A team of researchers affiliated with Monash University (Australia), the University of Western Australia, and the University of Edinburgh recently conducted a study involving a cohort of 8,756 adults aged 70+ years. The study focused on egg consumption and its potential impact on heart disease, with its findings recently published in the academic journal Nutrients.…
How Many Calories Does Hiking Burn?
Hiking is one of the most affordable and fun ways to burn calories. Of course, if you are super into hiking and want all of the best and latest gear from a store like REI, then perhaps it isn’t super affordable. But, for folks who just want to get outside and walk around looking at…
Study Finds That Depression Drives Sugar Cravings
Depression is a major condition affecting a lot of people all over the world. According to the World Health Organization, “An estimated 3.8% of the population experience depression, including 5% of adults (4% among men and 6% among women), and 5.7% of adults older than 60 years. Approximately 280 million people in the world have…