Category: product reviews
Review – Are Factor Meals Worth It?
Our household recently signed up for Factor meals. For folks who are unaware of what that is, Factor is basically a meal plan service in which customers pick various amounts of pre-made meals to be delivered to their homes on a scheduled basis. How Factor Meal Plans Work We signed up for an initial 6…
Optimum Nutrition Vanilla Ice Cream Protein Powder Review
In a previous article/video in which I reviewed the chocolate-flavored Muscle Milk, I referenced a powdered protein mix that I really like. This is it. As I stated in the embedded video below, I bought this massive bag of powder from Costco. I find that it mixes very easily, it doesn’t taste too bad, and…
Chocolate Flavored Muscle Milk Product Review
I have regularly stocked cartons of chocolate Muscle Milk from Costco for a couple of years now. They make consuming protein more convenient, and Costco seems to be the cheapest place (per unit) to purchase them. I try to limit my consumption of them since it is not the most sustainable packaging, but when I…
NutraBio Intra Blast Amino Acids Product Review
Amino acids are very important because they are the building blocks of protein. Your body uses amino acids for many bodily functions, including (but not necessarily limited to) making hormones, building muscle, and repairing tissue. I started using an amino acid blend, NutraBio’s ‘Intra Blast,’ after having it recommended to me by my dad. The…
Animal Pak Ultimate Foundation Vitamin Pill Packs Unpackaging And Review
I have used Animal Pak ‘Ultimate Foundation’ vitamin packs for about two years after having them initially recommended to me by my dad. My brother was doing weekly trainings with an ex-Navy Seal turned personal trainer, and that trainer recommended the Animal Pak vitamins to my brother. After two years of using them daily, I…
Raskol Dump Cover 2.0 Half Split Pink Tiger Limited Edition Unpackaging And Review
Weeks ago I walked into the gym and saw a guy wearing what I would describe as 1980s style weightlifting pants. They were pink and black tiger striped on one side and black on the other side. It was a combination of Bret ‘The Hitman’ Hart coloring with MC Hammer styling. A total throwback look.…