Category: nutrition
How Much Dietary Fiber Should You Eat Per Day?
Eating a healthy diet is something that everyone should strive to do at any age, but it is particularly important for people over 40. One aspect of eating a healthy diet that some people overlook is getting enough dietary fiber each day. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, fiber comes in two varieties:…
What Is A ‘Calorie Deficit Diet’?
I started my modern fitness journey on New Year’s Day 2023. My desire to get into better shape was not necessarily motivated by setting a New Year’s resolution, with the first day of my fitness journey falling on January 1st just being a coincidence. The day before I had hit rock bottom on my mental…
How Much Protein Should You Eat, And How Often, To Grow Your Muscles?
When you start lifting weights, you are presumably doing so to grow your muscles and increase your overall muscle mass. Increasing your muscle mass has additional benefits beyond just making you look better. It can also boost your metabolism and reduce your chance of injury. As I am sure most people know, but I will…
Lifting Weights, Cardio, And Nutrition – Getting Started
When you are over the age of 40 and either starting to workout for the first time, or coming back to it after a long layoff, it is vital that you proceed with caution. Unfortunately, as our bodies age, the likelihood of experiencing an injury increases. Furthermore, what our bodies need evolves over time, both…