Category: nutrition
How To Make Low Calorie Pizza At Home
Pizza is one of my favorite foods, and chances are if you are reading this article, the same is true for you as well. Unfortunately, pizza usually contains a lot of calories and/or is low in lean protein. I have figured out how to have my pizza and eat it too by making it at…
Half Of Calories Consumed At U.S. Homes Is From Ultraprocessed Foods
The average diet in United States homes is not very healthy, as evidenced by a recent analysis by researchers affiliated with Johns Hopkins University which found that over half of all calories consumed in U.S. households comes from ‘ultraprocessed foods.’ The results of the recent study were published on the university’s website, as well as…
Tips For Making A Healthy Burrito
I have a confession to make – I am a longtime burrito addict. Burritos have been, and always will be, one of my all-time favorite foods. Unfortunately, they are not always the healthiest option, especially if they are fully loaded mission-style burritos like I love to eat. There is a place in my hometown that…
Meal Prep – Tips And Benefits
Meal prepping basically involves making large batches of food ahead of time so that a person doesn’t have to do individual batches later. I am sure that there is a more official description of it, but that is how I would describe it. Prepping meals can be a real time saver in the long run.…
Tips For How To Make A Healthy BLT Sandwich
I am a big fan of sandwiches, with the B.L.T. (bacon, lettuce, tomato) likely being my favorite. Unfortunately, eating a bacon-based sandwich is not necessarily the healthiest meal for reasons that should be obvious. However, there are ways to make a healthy B.L.T. sandwich or at least a healthier B.L.T. sandwich. I will preface this…
Study Finds Eating Yogurt May Reduce Colon Cancer Risk
Ever since I was a kid, yogurt has served as one of my favorite foods. Except for only a few flavors, I love just about any kind of yogurt out there. It is a great source of protein and pairs well with many different kinds of fruits. And according to the results of a recent…
Is Juice Cleansing Good For You?
Juice cleansing seems to be a popular nutritional strategy these days. For those who are unaware of the concept, a juice cleanse diet involves a person only consuming juice mixes derived from vegetables and fruits. There are various reasons why someone might do a juice cleanse diet, with detoxification and weight loss being two commonly…
Study Finds One Egg A Week May Lower Heart Disease Risk By 29%
A team of researchers affiliated with Monash University (Australia), the University of Western Australia, and the University of Edinburgh recently conducted a study involving a cohort of 8,756 adults aged 70+ years. The study focused on egg consumption and its potential impact on heart disease, with its findings recently published in the academic journal Nutrients.…
Study Finds That Depression Drives Sugar Cravings
Depression is a major condition affecting a lot of people all over the world. According to the World Health Organization, “An estimated 3.8% of the population experience depression, including 5% of adults (4% among men and 6% among women), and 5.7% of adults older than 60 years. Approximately 280 million people in the world have…
Foods, Tips, And Strategies For Gaining Weight
For many people, losing weight is a top fitness journey goal. However, there are also people on the opposite end of the spectrum who want to gain weight for one reason or another. For people who want to gain weight, this could mean gaining weight to increase muscle mass (‘bulking’), or just gaining more overall…