Category: motivation
What Are The Best Fitness Subreddits On Reddit?
I am, have been, and likely always will be a fan of Reddit. For those unaware, Reddit is a collection of online communities (subreddits) that people can join and participate in, each with their own rules and ‘culture.’ Also, people don’t have to join a subreddit and can just ‘lurk’ if they want to, with…
5 Reasons Why You Don’t Ever Skip Leg Day
Many people dread ‘leg day’ at the gym, or ‘lower body day’ as some people call it. You have probably seen the memes. And while there are a lot of articles out there examining why people dread leg day, I think the answer is obvious – it is hard. Speaking from firsthand experience, doing lower…
Should You Workout When You Are Sick?
Every year when cold and flu season rolls around, the paranoia level in my house goes up. Every cough and sneeze usually results in some long looks to see if it was a one-off or if it was indicative of an illness coming on. I have kids in public school, and those things are basically…
Do Not Compare Your Level Of Fitness To Others
Staying motivated on your fitness journey is something that takes a lot of focus, thoughtfulness, and effort. Just as you have to put in work doing cardio and resistance training, you also have to work on ‘winning the mental game’ as I often put it. You can know all of the best workouts to do…
Learning From Failure
When you embark on a fitness journey, one of the few things that is guaranteed is that you will eventually fail at some aspect. It may be failing to stick to your workout plan, it may be failing to succeed at a certain max rep attempt, or failing to avoid giving in to a craving…
5 Benefits Of Getting A Gym Membership
Earlier this week I posted an article discussing some of the benefits of having a home weightlifting gym. I am a huge fan of having a home gym as anyone who knows me will attest. ‘The Young Family Gym For Middle-Aged Muscles’ is one of my favorite places to be. With that being said, having…
How Long Does It Take To See Results From Working Out?
A common and logical question for people who have started their fitness journey is ‘How long does it take to see results?’ After all, if you are putting in the work, it is presumably because you want to look better (among other things). At the basic level, there is a subjective answer and an objective…
5 Benefits Of Having A Home Weightlifting Gym
I have used a home gym off and on over the years, with my modern home gym being launched on January 1st, 2023. I nicknamed it ‘The Young Family Gym For Middle-Aged Muscles’ which fans of ‘The Office’ may recognize as a spoof on The Dwight Schrute Gym For Muscles. I find that nicknaming your…
How Often Should You Weigh Yourself?
A weight loss journey is full of ups and downs, victories and defeats, and differing levels of momentum. The same is true for a weight gain journey. On some days, you will take a look in the mirror or put on certain clothing and feel great about your progress. On other days, you may feel…
Should You Hire A Personal Trainer?
I have never hired a personal trainer thanks to having a father who was a personal trainer, however, I know many people who have, and they seem to have experienced mixed results. Most of the time, the experience is great and they seem to have a positive experience and nothing but good things to say.…