Category: gardening
Touring The Yachats Community Garden On The Oregon Coast
I am a gardening nerd, as I am sure that folks can tell from some of the articles that I post on this website and the videos on the Older Muscles YouTube channel. So when I saw this adorable Yachats Community Garden on the central Oregon Coast, curiosity got the best of me, and I…
Exploring The Gerdmann Botanical Gardens In Yachats, Oregon
Over the weekend, I explored Gerdmann Botanical Gardens in Yachats, Oregon, which is located on the central Oregon Coast. There are two ways to get to the garden area — you can park among some businesses along Highway 101, or you can hike through Ya’Xaik Trail, and at the end of it, there is a…
Re-Homing Worms To Your Garden Beds
When I am working around my yard, I sometimes encounter worms. I always try to re-home them to my garden beds. It gives the worms a great place to live, and the worms help break down things in my garden beds and provide my beds with various nutrients. A win-win! As I have mentioned on…
Save Your Egg Shells And Sprinkle Them In Your Garden Soil
Eggs, from a ‘usable protein’ standpoint, are the best type of protein out there. Also, according to the results of a recent study, consuming at least one egg a week is associated with a 29% lower risk of heart disease. I am fortunate enough to have friends who raise chickens and help me out by…
Start A Small Home Garden To Boost Your Health
One of my favorite activities is gardening. In addition to producing my own veggies for eating, it is also a great activity for burning some calories and improving mental health. A study conducted by the Royal College of Physicians (London) in 2018 found that “there is increasing evidence that exposure to plants and green space,…