Category: cardio
Is It Easier To Build Muscle Or Lose Fat?
As I have written about quite a bit lately on this website, I am currently on a calorie-deficit diet. This diet is tricky because I want to lose most of my body’s stored fat but not my muscle mass. In an interview that I watched with legendary bodybuilder Mike Mentzer, he mentioned that he would never…
What Is The Difference Between ‘Body Recomposition’ And A Calorie Deficit?
If you are trying to lose weight, chances are during your research you will come across the terms ‘body recomposition’ and ‘calorie deficit.’ While both of them are common weight loss strategies, there are some differences between the two. When I first started my modern fitness journey, what I was ultimately doing was a body…
Does Exercise Improve A Person’s Mental Health?
I have previously shared on this website that I have had struggles with my mental health in recent years. After the passing of my stepdad in late 2021, I fell into a deep depression. Eventually I went to mental health therapy in 2023 and was diagnosed with major depression. In 2023, I was also diagnosed…
5 Etiquette Rules To Follow To Be Respectful At The Gym
As I have written about on this website previously, I am an avid gym-goer. I stick to a hybrid approach of exercising both in my home gym and at a ‘regular’ gym. Both of them have their benefits. I encourage people who are considering one or the other to check out previous articles on this…
How Many Calories Do You Burn When Playing Basketball?
One of my favorite things to do, going all the way back to grade school, is to play basketball. I was never the best basketball player at any level that I ever played at, and at most levels, I probably wasn’t even in the top half of basketball players in my area. However, I love…
Should You Workout When You Are Sick?
Every year when cold and flu season rolls around, the paranoia level in my house goes up. Every cough and sneeze usually results in some long looks to see if it was a one-off or if it was indicative of an illness coming on. I have kids in public school, and those things are basically…
Walking Is An Underrated Form Of Exercise
A little over two years ago I was in the worst physical and mental shape of my life. I was at rock bottom by many measures. That was when I decided that I did not want to live like that any longer and that it was time to make some healthy changes. To get started…
How Many Calories Are Burned While Cycling?
One of my most vivid memories of being a kid is when I got my first bicycle. I assume that is probably the case for many people. The feeling of fun and freedom that came with hopping on my bike, cruising around, and hitting sweet jumps was amazing. Eventually, as I got older, instead of…
5 Benefits Of Getting A Gym Membership
Earlier this week I posted an article discussing some of the benefits of having a home weightlifting gym. I am a huge fan of having a home gym as anyone who knows me will attest. ‘The Young Family Gym For Middle-Aged Muscles’ is one of my favorite places to be. With that being said, having…
Is Fat Spot Reduction Possible Through Working Out?
Many people, especially people with an endomorph body type, carry larger pockets of fat in certain areas of their body compared to others. Using myself as an example, I tend to carry more fat in my midsection than I do in other parts of my body. For people like me, there is a temptation to…