Author: Chris Young
Working Out Your Glutes And Legs At Home With Just Dumbbells
Various reasons exist for people wanting to improve the muscle mass of their glutes and legs. Some people want to get stronger in their lower body or add muscle mass to their glutes and legs to become more muscular in general. Some people want a booty ‘top shelf,’ or to be falsely accused of having…
How Often Should You Do Cardio When You Are Over 40?
When people ask me the general question ‘How do I get in better shape?’ I always refer to the term ‘fitness triforce.’ Full disclosure, I played a lot of the Zelda video game series growing up. The fitness triforce is weightlifting, cardio, and nutrition. All three of those components contribute to a person’s overall fitness…
How Much Protein Should You Eat, And How Often, To Grow Your Muscles?
When you start lifting weights, you are presumably doing so to grow your muscles and increase your overall muscle mass. Increasing your muscle mass has additional benefits beyond just making you look better. It can also boost your metabolism and reduce your chance of injury. As I am sure most people know, but I will…
Does Red Light Therapy Help Treat Sore Muscles?
As humans become more seasoned (older), muscle soreness becomes more common. Most people over the age of 40 are well aware of this unfortunate fact. Various approaches exist for treating sore muscles, from icing achy muscles with a bag of frozen corn to applying generous amounts of products like Icy Hot to the affected area(s).…
What Are The Best Weightlifting Exercises For Beginners?
When it comes to starting a weightlifting regimen, there is no one-size-fits-all answer to the question ‘what are the best weightlifting exercises for beginners?’ It depends on various factors, and each individual needs to evaluate their own situation, not the least of which is whether or not they will get a gym membership or will…
Lifting Weights, Cardio, And Nutrition – Getting Started
When you are over the age of 40 and either starting to workout for the first time, or coming back to it after a long layoff, it is vital that you proceed with caution. Unfortunately, as our bodies age, the likelihood of experiencing an injury increases. Furthermore, what our bodies need evolves over time, both…