Author: Chris Young
Bulking And Cutting – Should You Do It?
One of the most common questions that I see while scrolling on Reddit sub-categories dedicated to fitness and nutrition relates to ‘bulking’ and ‘cutting’ and people asking if they should do it. Whether someone should bulk or cut, or not, is an entirely personal and subjective decision to make. I always cringe when I see…
How Much Water Should You Drink Per Day?
How much water were you told to drink a day when you were growing up? When I was growing up in the 1900s, as my kids call it, I was told by my public school health teachers that 8 cups of water a day was the target. At the time I didn’t question it. But…
How Much Dietary Fiber Should You Eat Per Day?
Eating a healthy diet is something that everyone should strive to do at any age, but it is particularly important for people over 40. One aspect of eating a healthy diet that some people overlook is getting enough dietary fiber each day. According to the Harvard School of Public Health, fiber comes in two varieties:…
Is It Better To Do Cardio Before Or After Lifting Weights?
In order to maximize your fitness level when you are over 40, you need to pursue a comprehensive regimen which I often refer to as the ‘fitness triforce’ – cardio, weightlifting, and nutrition. One of the most common and popular questions for people who are starting to work out is ‘should you do cardio before or…
What Is A ‘SMART Goal’ And How Do You Set One?
As I have shared on this website before, I started using the Kaia Health app after signing up for it through my health insurance. As a reminder, I admittedly don’t know if it is an app that anyone can sign up for (it was free for me), or if you have to have certain health…
What Is A ‘Calorie Deficit Diet’?
I started my modern fitness journey on New Year’s Day 2023. My desire to get into better shape was not necessarily motivated by setting a New Year’s resolution, with the first day of my fitness journey falling on January 1st just being a coincidence. The day before I had hit rock bottom on my mental…
Why Following Social Media Fitness Influencers Is So Important
I am going to make a not-so-bold prediction. Before or after you read this article, you were doomscrolling and/or will doomscroll during your day. According to at least one study, the average person doomscrolls for roughly 3 to 4 hours per day. Obviously, some people doomscroll less, and some doomscroll more, but regardless of which…
Incorporate ‘Habit Bundling’ Into Your Daily Life
Life can get very busy, especially if you are a parent. In addition to work and trying to have some semblance of a social life, you likely have school pick-ups and drop-offs, school functions, practices, kids’ birthday parties seemingly every weekend, etc. On top of that, you have chores, and if you are trying to…
What Is Ozempic And Is It A Safe Drug For Weight Loss?
Unless you live under a rock, you have likely heard about Ozempic. Originally approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 2017 as a treatment for type 2 diabetes, Ozempic is becoming widely used for weight loss by Hollywood stars and other famous people. UC Davis Health describes Ozempic as “a weekly injection that helps…
What Is Tabata And Should You Be Doing It?
Do you want to do cardio but the weather outside is frightful? Or you don’t have access to a treadmill, elliptical, stair climber, or other cardio equipment? Does having to drive to a gym and be around other exercising humans sound too undesirable at the moment? Do you wish that you had an effective form…