Author: Chris Young
How Long Does It Take To Get 6-Pack Abs
Arguably the most desirable muscle group to have dialed in is the abdominal muscles. Having ‘6-pack abs’ symbolizes many things and is one of the most visual representations of discipline a person can possess. One of the most common questions I see asked on Reddit and elsewhere online is how long it takes to get…
Does Eating A Plant-Based Diet Slow The Aging Process?
Eating a plant-based diet comes with many benefits. Studies have found that it can boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, can help with weight loss and weight management, a plant-based diet is packed with fiber, and it is associated with reductions in the risk of developing certain health conditions. According to the results of a…
How Many Calories Does Tae Bo Burn?
If you were around in the 1990s, chances are you know all about the Tae Bo fitness phenomenon. Technically, Tae Bo was developed in the mid-1970s by Billy Blanks, but it wasn’t until the 1990s that the form of exercise reached a meteoric level of popularity. For those who do not know what Tae Bo…
Setting Small Goals Is Vital To Maintaining Motivation
Staying motivated after starting a fitness journey is not easy. With probably the exception of an injury or life tragedy, most people stop sticking to their fitness journey simply because they lose the proper motivation to keep going. It doesn’t take a psychologist to know that life will throw far more reasons at you to…
Do Multivitamins Really Work To Boost Your Health?
According to Penn State Health, 59 million people in the United States regularly use some type of vitamins or supplements, spending an average of $510 annually on them. Full disclosure: I am one of those people. When some people find out that I adhere to a daily vitamin regimen, they ask me if I think…
How Often Should You Change Your Weightlifting Routine?
When I first learned about weightlifting in the 1990s, most of what I did was based on two sources – my high school weights teacher, and my father. My high school weights teacher was also my high school’s football coach and he was a total product of the 1960s and 1970s approach to lifting weights.…
What Are The Best Lower Body Exercises To Do Without Weights?
Not everyone can afford a gym membership; for that matter, even people who have a gym membership may not be able to go to the gym for a solid leg workout day for one reason or another. Below are some great lower-body workouts that people can do using only their body weight. These workouts come…
What Are The Best Weight Loss Tips And Strategies?
This article doesn’t need a long intro. If you have found yourself reading this article, you presumably want to know tips and strategies for losing weight for one reason or another. Losing weight gets harder as you get older, so the tips and strategies below are more important to incorporate into your overall life if…
Does A Daily Dose Of Omega-3 Slow The Aging Process?
The word ‘fat’ typically yields negative feelings in humans due to various reasons. However, not all fats are created equal, and human bodies need certain fats in order to be healthy. Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, often referred to as omega-3 fats, are ‘essential fats’ that the body cannot make on its own. Humans have to…
Start A Small Home Garden To Boost Your Health
One of my favorite activities is gardening. In addition to producing my own veggies for eating, it is also a great activity for burning some calories and improving mental health. A study conducted by the Royal College of Physicians (London) in 2018 found that “there is increasing evidence that exposure to plants and green space,…