Author: Chris Young
NutraBio Intra Blast Amino Acids Product Review
Amino acids are very important because they are the building blocks of protein. Your body uses amino acids for many bodily functions, including (but not necessarily limited to) making hormones, building muscle, and repairing tissue. I started using an amino acid blend, NutraBio’s ‘Intra Blast,’ after having it recommended to me by my dad. The…
Study Finds Exercise Boosts Cognition For People With ADHD
According to the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 15.5 million adults in the U.S. have been diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). That works out to roughly 6% of all adults in the country. Many clinical studies reported deficits in basic and complex cognitive functions in adults diagnosed with…
5 Reasons Why Gut Health Is Important
It wasn’t until recent years that I took my gut health seriously, which is not a good thing. Better late than never I guess. Proper gut health is very important for a person’s overall health, particularly when people are over 40. While we cannot turn back time and refrain from eating many of the bad…
Tips For Gaining Weight And Muscle From Mr. Olympia Samson Dauda
The reigning Mr. Olympia champion is Samson Dauda, a Nigerian-born, later turned British-based professional bodybuilder who competes in the men’s open bodybuilding division in the IFBB Pro League. Dauda won the overall Mr. Olympia title in the 2024 Mr. Olympia competition. For folks unaware of what Mr. Olympia is, it is an international bodybuilding competition…
What Are The Best Fitness Subreddits On Reddit?
I am, have been, and likely always will be a fan of Reddit. For those unaware, Reddit is a collection of online communities (subreddits) that people can join and participate in, each with their own rules and ‘culture.’ Also, people don’t have to join a subreddit and can just ‘lurk’ if they want to, with…
What Are The Best Exercises For Growing Shoulder Muscles?
When I was growing up, I was a huge wrestling fan. WWE was called WWF back then, and one of my favorite wrestlers was ‘Ravishing’ Rick Rude. Looking back, part of the reason why I thought he was a great character was his trash talking ability, but also because he was super buff. Additionally, part…
5 Reasons Why You Don’t Ever Skip Leg Day
Many people dread ‘leg day’ at the gym, or ‘lower body day’ as some people call it. You have probably seen the memes. And while there are a lot of articles out there examining why people dread leg day, I think the answer is obvious – it is hard. Speaking from firsthand experience, doing lower…
Animal Pak Ultimate Foundation Vitamin Pill Packs Unpackaging And Review
I have used Animal Pak ‘Ultimate Foundation’ vitamin packs for about two years after having them initially recommended to me by my dad. My brother was doing weekly trainings with an ex-Navy Seal turned personal trainer, and that trainer recommended the Animal Pak vitamins to my brother. After two years of using them daily, I…
Is It Easier To Build Muscle Or Lose Fat?
As I have written about quite a bit lately on this website, I am currently on a calorie-deficit diet. This diet is tricky because I want to lose most of my body’s stored fat but not my muscle mass. In an interview that I watched with legendary bodybuilder Mike Mentzer, he mentioned that he would never…
How Reliable And Accurate Are Calorie Counting Apps?
If you are trying to lose weight, counting your calories is paramount. For a long time, I was doing a body recomposition strategy, which helped me lose weight to a point. But once I hit a plateau, I had to transition to doing a calorie deficit diet, which involves counting every single calorie that I…