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What Are The Best Fitness Subreddits On Reddit?

I am, have been, and likely always will be a fan of Reddit. For those unaware, Reddit is a collection of online communities (subreddits) that people can join and participate in, each with their own rules and ‘culture.’ Also, people don’t have to join a subreddit and can just ‘lurk’ if they want to, with some rare subreddit exceptions.

As I often tell people, Reddit is probably the last pure, old school internet platform that is left out there. You have likely come across Reddit being referenced in news articles and/or in mainstream media, whether you realize it or not. With an estimated 97.2 million daily users, Reddit is one of the most popular internet platforms/apps on the planet.

I have found Reddit to be a great source of fitness-based information and community. It can be good for boosting knowledge, inspiration, motivation, accountability, etc. Of course, as with all internet platforms, there is a lot of junk and nonsense on Reddit as well. It takes a bit of ‘self filtering’ to get the most out of Reddit, which is true for many things out there.

My advice for newbie Reddit users searching for fitness content is to only join subreddits that enrich your fitness journey, and don’t spend time getting caught up in what trolls and silly people post on there, whether it be actual posts or comments on posts.

Below is a list of fitness, motivation, and self improvement subreddits that I have joined and have found some level of value in being a part of (in alphabetical order):

  • r/beginnerfitness
  • r/bodyweightfitness
  • r/eatcheapandhealthy
  • r/exercise
  • r/fitness
  • r/getdisciplined
  • r/gym
  • r/health
  • r/healthyfood
  • r/hiking
  • r/inspiration
  • r/motivation
  • r/naturalbodybuilding
  • r/nutrition
  • r/personaltraining
  • r/positivity
  • r/powerlifting
  • r/selfcare
  • r/selfimprovement
  • r/selflove
  • r/strength_training
  • r/weightgain
  • r/weightlifting
  • r/weightlossadvice
  • r/weightrooom
  • r/weighttraining
  • r/workout
  • r/workoutroutines
  • r/workouts

Like I mentioned earlier in this article, not everything posted on those subreddits is worthwhile, however, there are some good nuggets of information on each one either daily or from time-to-time. I have found that most of the people who engage with those subreddits are supportive. Just don’t ask people if you should ‘cut or bulk’ or to ‘rate your physique.’ That tends to bring out the trolls, but also, you should never look to the internet for how to measure yourself 😉


Disclaimer: The contents of this article and this website are not meant to substitute for the professional advice of a doctor, nutritionist, and/or certified personal trainer. This content is provided as an educational tool to help people on their fitness journeys. While we strive to research topics as much as possible and provide useful and accurate information to the best of our abilities, we also strongly recommend talking to your doctor, nutritionist, and/or certified personal trainer before starting any workout, therapeutic, or nutritional regimen, as each individual’s needs and situations vary depending on the person.

(the featured image at the top of this article of Reddit’s logo was sourced from