For some people, joining a gym is not a big deal. However, for many people, it can be an overwhelming thing. I regularly went to gyms as a kid, with my dad having competed as an amateur bodybuilder in my youth. Even without going to the gym with my dad, I was always comfortable at gyms because I played a lot of basketball growing up at them, and lifting weights was one of the things that I did to try to be better at hoops.
My experience is not everyone’s experience. I know many people who are frightened at just the mere thought of walking into a gym and working out in front of other people. I also know other people who are OK with the thought of working out in front of other people, but they see going to a new gym as kind of like going to a new school growing up – they don’t know anyone, everyone is a stranger, and they have to familiarize themselves with a place that is entirely unknown to them.
When people are already struggling to get motivated to work out, joining a new gym and getting comfortable going to it and exercising is yet another hurdle to overcome. However, it doesn’t have to be an insurmountable hurdle. Below are five tips for newbie gym members to hopefully help them acclimate to their new surroundings.
Take A Tour
Every gym that I have ever been to offers a quick tour of the facilities. Obviously, the larger the gym and the more things that they have there, the longer the tour will take. It is a great way to know where everything is and allows you to ask general questions about the gym and/or questions specific to certain equipment.
Unlike going to a new school as a kid and walking around with a teacher who may or may not be liked, on a gym tour you will be walking around with someone who is presumably well-known in the gym and that should make it a more comfortable experience.
Work With A Trainer
Many gyms that I have frequented offer one or more free sessions with a personal trainer, and if that is the case at your gym, I encourage you to take them up on the offer. I am blessed to have a father who was a longtime personal trainer, but for people who don’t have that benefit, working with a personal trainer can provide structure and help keep people motivated. It can also further establish your comfort level while at the gym.
A knowledgeable, experienced personal trainer will be able to help educate you on the best ways to go about achieving your fitness goals. They should know about the latest and greatest research and exercise strategies and be able to explain them to you in a way that you understand. They will also help give you tips while you are working out for such things as proper form, proper lifting rep speed, rest time between sets, etc.
Do Classes
Not all gyms offer classes, but if yours does, it is something to consider doing. Whereas not everyone likes pumping iron by themselves, doing a Zumba class or Pilates class or some other kind of class can be really fun for people who are more into cardio. It is also a great way to make new friends at the gym, which leads me to my next point…
Make Friends
A fitness gym is a great place to meet new people and make new friends. If you make friends with people at your gym, you are more likely to go. Admittedly, I have not made a lot of new friends at my current gym, but I have made a few, and it is always fun to say hello to them when I get there and check in on how their fitness pursuits are going. Gym friends can help you with accountability, contribute to your knowledge base via comparing notes, and serve as motivators to keep you pushing yourself.
Proceed At Your Own Pace
Do not compare yourself to others in the gym, and only compete with yourself. There will always be one or more super-jacked strong members at the gym, and comparing yourself to them can be de-motivating. Find that sweet spot where you are pushing yourself to make yourself better, but also not pushing yourself to such a point that you get burned out and de-motivated. As we often say on this site, value progress over perfection and never give up!
Disclaimer: The contents of this article and this website are not meant to substitute for the professional advice of a doctor, nutritionist, and/or certified personal trainer. This content is provided as an educational tool to help people on their fitness journeys. While we strive to research topics as much as possible and provide useful and accurate information to the best of our abilities, we also strongly recommend talking to your doctor, nutritionist, and/or certified personal trainer before starting any workout, therapeutic, or nutritional regimen, as each individual’s needs and situations vary depending on the person.